about Aug 9 2008/ Jno Cook may have got a lot wrong in his historical reconstruction, but one really gets a feel for events reading his work. This history of the Earth and humanity involves a lot of catastrophes. I think the biggest missing point in this chronology (from Chrono's, Saturn, Meaning Time ;P) is the Venus figurines and possibly the Aluchean Handaxe's. The Venus figurines show a representation of the plasma surrounding Saturn as it entered the Earths system. (No offence to those who say Earth was always around Saturn, there is too much evidence against it, venus figurines being a big part) You have Mars below, the feet, then the Fat body of Saturn and it's torus, and above you have Uranus. Perhaps Neptune.. That's eventually became "The Great bird". I throw in that I do really think this current timeline as presented is accurate. I prefer to garner information from Jno Cooke's site, which has great references. (http://www.saturniancosmology.org) I find his mainly uniformtarian approach to geologic dating probably incorrect, but I find his prehistoric work (100,000 - Present) to be much more plausible than some suggestions, though I do not advocate his work, but it does impressively speak for itself. Neil Thompson 'Armchair Scholar' New post by davesmith_au on Sat Jul 05, 2008 9:17 pm One thing which should be remembered when talking dating and chronology, especially the recent posts full of 'interesting' dates and events, they must be taken with a huge dose of salt... That is, these are NOT dates/events proposed by EU theory or EU's Saturn hypothesis. Whilst Jno Cook's site does credit Dwardu among others as a source for information, it is in no way reflective of EU Saturn Myth. Jno takes loads of information about which there is little or no accurate dating, and then seems to come up with the exact year of some events :shock: . The EU approach is one of forensic investigation and as such you will likely NOT see such specific dating within EU material. Whilst everyone out there has the right to speculate I would not like to see the above dating/events misconstrued as the EU position on such matters. Now, could someone pass the sauce, please? :? Cheers, Dave Smith. Well yes... But Oceanos, the Greek word did not refer to the seas. It referred to the rings around the planet that were seen in the Southern sky. (Of course, this is why all major (older) constellations are northern) The Egyptians called it Duat. So, the tears of Chronos (The remains of the dust when Jupiter and Saturn(Kronos) interacted and left for beyond the ocean, to the underworld.) would be the rings. They left us before or during our orbital change from 360 days to 365 days. When the moon arrived in our skies. Neil Thompson I understand what you are saying Dave, truly, and I bring them up as contentions to your (and others) theories. I consider myself an EU theorist. I think intently on this often and I apply to myself a great amount of criticism. I see some issues with his site and I do not like to apply stringent dates, but he is working backwards and much of his information is based on sound reasoning. (We should not take the dates to heart either, I can say 3114, 3110, 3100, About 3000 bc as all the same time...) Two incidents which I hinge on are Venus Figurines and The Caduceus , both symbols show the 'formation' Saturn, Uranus, Mars, outside of contact with our planet. Seen from the side. One is glow form and the other seems to be Arc mode. With that alone, we must agree that further and more accurate research needs to be done. I would recommend, perhaps, Jno, yourself, and many others from this board get together for a evidence analysis of all the writings and accept what we see in light of the new presented evidence. I do not mean reach consensus, since we have no authority to present something other than our views, but we should see that the works can be amalgamated and perhaps we all learn to see these issues from a different angle. There can be nothing wrong with that. Neil Thompson 'Armchair Scholar' New post by moses on Wed Jul 09, 2008 5:09 pm Duat is the Egyptian underworld, the equivalent of Hades, neither of these is a physical location. Grey Cloud Jno Cook reckons that there was a ring of dusty material around the Earth, around the Van Allen belts, I guess. This dusty material was illuminated by the Sun everywhere except in the circular shadow of the Sun. So that at night one would see a circular shape that was darker than the surrounding, and which also allowed viewing of the stars through this circular 'hole'. And especially to view Jupiter and Saturn. Mo New post by Grey Cloud on Thu Jul 10, 2008 4:35 am Hi Moses, Jno Cook isn't an ancient source himself and his sources are a bit too 'few and far-between' for me. Krackonis Sorry, I apologize for not being clear ;P The Greeks referred to the rings of planet Earth as the Ocean (Oceanos). We adopted it to refer to the "Waters Surrounding the World". Which is what it was, but it was in the sky. It was the "Bowl the Earth Sat in". There were seven of these rings as seen from the Mediterranean. I believe this is why we say "Sailing the Seven Seas". New post by Grey Cloud I would recommend, perhaps, Jno, yourself, and many others from this board get together for a evidence analysis of all the writings and accept what we see in light of the new presented evidence. J: I would love to see the Saturn theory and its variants discussed on this forum, if only because the more I look into the evidence, the less I see. I have asked several times in various threads for someone to come up with one ancient source which supports this theory in any way, shape or form. Thus far 'no answer came the reply'. Given that the Saturn theory has been around since at least the seventies (if one doens't include Velikovsky's original) then I think it's a bit lame. Nor have I seen any evidence that my misgivings, which I laid out in my opening 'Cautionary Note' post (and subsequently), were misplaced. New post by Krackonis on Sun Jul 13, 2008 3:41 pm Grey Cloud wrote: A: Which Greeks and where? B: What rings of planet Earth? These are common Mythological Themes, and I did not expect to have to explain it. I will use "The Google" and give you some definitions: Definition of Oceanos Oceanus or Okeanos, in the Greek mythology the great world-stream which surrounds the whole earth, and is the parent source of all seas and streams, presided over by a Titan, the husband of Tethys, and the father of all river-gods and water-nymphs. He is the all-father of the world, as his wife is the all-mother, and the pair occupy a palace apart on the extreme verge of the world. - Wikipedia The Rings of planet earth were the rings of the planet, much like the rings of Saturn. Any planet with a magnetic field has rings. Ours, however, have been dispersed via the events I previously mentioned. Grey Cloud wrote: It was the "Bowl the Earth Sat in". D: What bowl? Is this your own metaphor or are you implying that the ancients thought of the Earth as sitting in a bowl? TIRAWA In Pawnee mythology, Tirawa created the world in the shape of a bowl floating in space. He gave the stars the task of supporting the world and protecting it. He ordered the Moon and Sun to mate and produce a son and he ordered the Evening and Morning stars to mate and produce a daughter, these became the parents of the human race. In Mordvin culture the earth is described as flat, scoop or bowl shaped with the brims curled inside and is surrounded by the 'World Sea'. New post by Grey Cloud... Here are a view of Duat and of Oceanus which are more along the lines of my understanding of the terms. Duat: The Egyptians thought of manifestation as taking place in three main gradations of crystallization that they called "worlds." There was the celestial world or heaven, the domain or condition of being of the Neters, the inherent qualities in nature. The second sphere was the Duat or Dwat, intermediate between the celestial realm and our more tangible earth. It has been described as the "moment between night and day." It is the condition when causal forces are in transition from the abstract phase to the material aspects of nature. Because of this it is really a duality, representing the state of an entity's 'becoming' into and 'emerging' from different sets of qualities or levels of experience. The third world is the concreted, material globe. "It is the world of Ptah -- the innate fire of terrestrial matter -- who created it, who is its secret motive force and the agent of its future development" (Schwaller de Lubicz, p. 341). From The Radiant Thread of Egyptian Myth By I. M. Oderberg, which is at... Re: Directions New post by davesmith_au on Tue Jul 22, 2008 10:20 pm Giday all. I'm sorry to have to announce that we are locking the mythology forum TEMPORARILY, whilst some other things are being worked on. Whilst this is regretful, we can't continue to allow the somewhat extraneous discussions to continue without guidance, and Dave Talbott simply has other constraints on his time at present. We will be using this break to 'clean up' the current discussions, moving and/or deleting posts which are not helpful and re-organising things somewhat to make sure people can understand which parts of the discussion pertain to the Saturn theory as proposed by Talbott, Cardona, et al, and which bits don't. Please use this time to refresh your understanding of what is to be discussed here, particularly I would draw attention to Dave Talbott's words here: README FIRST: The Purpose of this Forum Dave Talbott wrote:The purpose of the Mythology Section is: 1) to clarify as quickly as possible the reconstruction offered by the "Saturn Hypothesis"; 2) to explore the dominant archetypes of world mythology--the only field of evidence permitted under our comparative approach; and 3) to determine if the reconstruction does indeed account for these archetypes in the concrete terms we have claimed (i.e., with a predictive power no prior theory of myth has achieved.) Additionally, as visitors familiarize themselves with the hypothesis, we want to allow them to challenge either the hypothesis or the methodology. Succinct, specific challenges will be allowed. What will not be allowed is extensive and random posting of assorted ideas about one mythical theme or another, without meaningful reference to the hypothesis being evaluated here. With this latter constraint in mind, we've deleted a couple of threads, with no desire to offend. Example: the dragon is a fascinating motif, but one could find a thousand Internet discourses on the dragon, none of which would advance our purpose--to account for all of the core dragon themes in a systematic way. Is this possible? Any focused discussion bearing directly on that question will be allowed. Whilst we appreciate many people have many divergent views on myths, this is not the place to air each individual's 'pet theory'. There should be nothing wrong with those who can identify people they'd like to discuss other facets of mythology with using the PM system to carry on such conversations. Then, once something is clarified which relates to the EU Saturn mythology views, it can be brought to the public forum and discussed. We really do want to be able to clarify the EU Saturn hypothesis over time, and that is very difficult with many people sharing their own particular beliefs. At this point in time we expect to be able to unlock the forum again in a matter of weeks, but please understand that sometimes the best made plans can go astray, so there is a possibility it could be a little longer. I'd like to thank those who have partaken in meaningful discussion of the Saturn theory, please be patient until we can get things going smoothly again. We do look forward to further input once the forum is unlocked again. Cheers, Dave Smith. Site Administator. about Aug 9 2008/