mirrored file at http://SaturnianCosmology.Org/ For complete access to all the files of this collection see http://SaturnianCosmology.org/search.php ========================================================== Prof. Irving Wolfe We are here this weekend to assess the current state of catastrophist research. My purpose tonight will be to define what is meant by catastrophism. In its most general sense, catastrophism is the theory that enormous cataclysmic events of continental or even global nature have occurred to the Earth in the recent past, which is to say within the life of humankind on this planet. It also holds that these catastrophes, these vast natural upheavals, (e.g., immense tidal waves and hurricanes, large-scale volcanism and conflagrations, etc.), have left indelible records on the Earth and in our psyches, records that can be discerned from nature and from human sources and then interpreted to reconstruct our cosmic past. Third, it holds that these immense events have been primarily caused not by volatile conditions on Earth but by the intervention into the Earth's magnetosphere of huge nonterrestrial objects, i.e., large bodies coming at or near us from the sky which have provoked violent interactions and exchanges with the Earth, which then caused the disastrous effects upon it. These are the central points advocated by Immanuel Velikovsky, with whom the theory has been most notably associated. He put his case in a series of sensational books, the majority published between 1950 and 1960. The most famous is Worlds in Collision, and the shock of Velikovsky upon conventional science, the wave of furor, outrage, suppression, misrepresentation, disinformation and character assassination which resulted, is deservedly notorious in the history of science and has been chronicled in many books and articles. We are not, however, assembled here to talk about that. It is a story for another time. Nor is everyone here a total follower of Velikovsky, although many are. Our purpose is rather to explore what he began, to look at what different paths have been taken from his origin, what different concepts have been developed (and there are many) to account for the wealth of data (and there is much) which seems to indicate that, at more than one time in the geologically recent past, immense earthly catastrophes did occur. From the evidence, it seems that at different times the Earth was seared and scarred and rent and overturned, and the sky was filled with darkness and light, blazing heat and choking dust, rains of fire and overwhelming thunder, unstoppable, unpredictable and colossal. We who are catastrophists believe three general things: that events like these did probably occur, that our ancestors saw, remembered and recorded them in myth, religion, folklore and art, and that we the human race are as scarred psychologically by them as the Earth was geologically. As Velikovsky put it, "We are descendants of survivors, themselves descendants of survivors." This may sound radical, hard to accept, implausible, like a fairy tale. Fifty years ago, when Velikovsky's theory first emerged, hardly anyone believed it. How could it be true? Had not science told us that the world was benign and the sky was stable and the universe was a clockwork which would tick without upheaval forever, and that humankind's only task was to try to understand it? That was 1950. Today, however, we have just witnessed the comets of Shoemaker- Levy thudding into Jupiter one by one, vast hammer blows upon the giant planet, any one of which (and there were 21) would singly have wiped out much of life on Earth, and we have learned that the sky is not what we thought it was. It is not placid, nor eternal, nor safe, for, had the trajectory of these comets or asteroids or meteorites been only slightly different at the beginning, (depending on where you think they started out), it could have been us. For this reason, I would say (without joking) that how we see the cosmos can be designated as BJ or AJ, before Jupiter or after, for the Shoemaker- Levy comets were an intellectual and spiritual watershed. Because of them, we can no longer pacify ourselves with the placebo that these things could only happen in the distant past or in distant parts of the universe, or both. We now know that large bodies can enter the inner Solar System, that it can happen near us and now, and who knows when the next will come, and it could be soon. Catastrophism is real and it is urgent. We who will speak to you this weekend are for the most part catastrophists. Not everyone, however, agrees with Velikovsky, nor do the disagreers agree among themselves about the many alternate theories that have been developed from his starting point and his kind of data. What we do share is a common concern about the issue of catastrophism, the question of what happened to the Solar System in the recent past and what effects it has left upon the globe and human culture. The comets of Shoemaker-Levy have taught us that the Solar System can be turbulent and dangerous, that we live in the midst of an active cosmic area which is not calmly stable but can experience immense fluctuation, and that intruders from the sky could cause huge devastation to our entire globe. This can no longer be deemed impossible. Catastrophism is an idea whose time has come. If this is true, then that realization must be met, not childishly with fear and fury, nor with terror and lament, but openly and honestly and knowingly, like adults. No split between reason and passion, but mind and heart together facing the awareness that the things we describe happened, and that we must learn them and acknowledge them and make them a part of us if we are to go on. That is what motivates us all in our research. It is the task which we as catastrophists have because we created it, and it is the problem that will be illustrated in this symposium - how to make sense of the data, how to derive the picture which will incorporate it all and tell us what we are, what the world is and what to do about it, and where to go from here. That is to say, what to make of life, of the Earth, of the cosmos, of existence. No less than that is the puzzle we are all at work on together. The result is the science of catastrophism. It is highly interdisciplinary, for the speakers you will hear this weekend come from many fields and from many countries on three continents. To give you an idea of the areas which catastrophism involves, they include astronomy and physics and astrophysics and geophysics, myth and folklore and religion and classical literature, mathematics and linguistics and statistics, palaeontology and archaeology and archaeoastronomy and calendrics, and literature, history, politics and psychology, (and that is only a partial list). From each of these fields, a stream of evidence is being accumulated which seems to indicate that several catastrophic incursions have occurred in the past 5000 years, perhaps in a series connected like shock and aftershocks. Many of us, from many different disciplines, are bringing many different sorts of knowledge to bear upon this one central focus-the strong possibility that our Earth and our human race have experienced enormous and terrifying global cataclysms within human memory. What is new are our methods and our results. Concerning our methods, we use as data not merely everything produced by nature but everything produced by the human race, for we consider both to be equally significant. That is to say, not merely the sciences like physics and astronomy, nor even the social sciences like psychology and anthropology, but religion, fairy tales, folklore, mythology, literature and superstition, because we feel that, wherever human consciousness is least active, least censorial, the deep collective truth will emerge, whether it be the geological history of our planet buried beneath the surface of the globe or the fears and memories of our race buried in symbol and allegory. Velikovsky led us to it in his books, which deal with the Solar System, the physical condition of our globe, the course of history and the nature of human behavior. He was a psychoanalyst, and he was trained to put his patients on a couch and probe their dreams, terrors and memories to get inside the psyche of the individual, dig down to the largest traumas, discover what they were, make the patient aware of them and thus release him from victimization by them. Metaphorically, this is what science does to nature, putting it on the couch of experiment and theory to discover its past in order to better understand its present and thereby control its future. It is a classic technique for unearthing the hidden, and Velikovsky applied it to the human race as a whole. How? By deciding that the dreams of our race, (i.e., the relics of our collective past), are to be found in our religions and mythologies and stories and imaginative narratives, that these are relevant data, hard and reliable like all data if properly interpreted, and that to study them is to put humanity on the couch. We who are catastrophists therefore use this incredibly rich vein of material, along with scientific and social-science data, as essential complementary evidence in our attempts to build up a composite picture from every suitable angle of what may have happened and what we fear. What are the results? Most of us believe that something very vast occurred in the heavens and on Earth and to us in the past few thousand years, not once but many times, not identically but equally traumatic and horrifying. At different moments, oceans overflowed the land, tidal waves tore across continents, volcanoes and earthquakes erupted everywhere, winds shrieked and hurricanes ravaged and forests were set on fire as destruction came from a sky ablaze with heavenly bodies in disordered motion. There was dazzling light or sudden darkness, immense heat or rapid frost, rivers changed their courses and cracks appeared in the earth, mountains rose or fell. In the human sphere there was toppling of fortifications, destruction of cities and the ends of kingdoms, vast slaughter and frenzied migrations, while in the animal and plant domains some species ended and new species were created. We believe that the history of the Earth and of the human race is an alternation between moments of catastrophe as I have just described them and the calm developmental periods inbetween, which is to say that both the lithosphere and the human sphere undergo the same sequence of destruction and then recovery, rising each time to a new earth and a new culture but then undergoing a decline and a new catastrophe before ascending again. This is our true history, as opposed to the facile and delusive portrait we are usually given of the Earth experiencing a steady ascent from molten planetesimal to habitable planet, human life exhibiting a steady climb from early to middle to modern man and human society evolving calmly from primitive savage to hunter-gatherer to modern urbanite. That is the fairy tale, not catastrophism, for, if we are interpreting the evidence correctly, the history of our planet and its inhabitants is jerky and inconsistent, with periods of peace punctuated by outbursts of violence. If social and biological life has "evolved," it has done that spirally and spasmodically. Our task now is to pin the thing down, to sort it out and assign each item of data correctly to form a picture of what really happened. That however is not at all easy, because often the signatures are blurred or are too general or occur repeatedly, and as a result a number of different revolutionary theories have emerged from within our own circle and there are consequently many catastrophic interpretations extant in all the areas we touch. I described nineteen planetary hypotheses, for example, in an article I wrote for the journal The Velikovskian, each of which rejects the standard cosmology, and a glance at the debates in the American journal Aeon or the British journal Chronology and Catastrophism Review will illustrate very quickly the divergences which exist between the many competing historical schemes, even though they all agree that the traditional dating of ancient empires is incorrect, often by centuries. One of the things this conference will do, therefore, is give you an idea of the range and depth of catastrophist research, where it is, what it has produced, where it hopes to go, for we are engaged in a huge intellectual adventure, a voyage of discovery which we hope will become a recovery of our physical, social and psychological past. Victor Clube and Tom Van Flandern on astronomy, Roger Wescott on anthropology and linguistics, Bill Mullen on classical language and literature, Nancy Owen on ancient Mesoamerican cosmology, Eric Miller on ancient Chinese cosmology, Henry Bauer on the history of science, Richard Heinberg on folklore, Vine Deloria on Amerindian myth, Ted Holden on the dinosaurs, Lynn Rose on calendrics, Gunnar Heinsohn on ancient history and stratigraphy, Ev Cochrane and David Talbott and Dwardu Cardona on myth, Robert Grubaugh and Wallace Thornhill and Charles Ginenthal and Donald Patten on the physical sciences, Duane Vorhees on cultural history and myself on literature and ideology, will give you some idea of how many different disciplines are being applied to this one central overriding puzzle. What has all this spawned? Well, to begin with, there are eight books by Velikovsky in print, plus four or five in manuscript, while eleven books have been published on Velikovsky, in addition to five books on catastrophic theories which deal largely with his questions but offer distinctly separate answers. Six journals have appeared in the past 25 years and four are still very active in Canada, the U.S., England and Germany, and they contain hundreds of scholarly articles on catastrophism. There have also been dozens of conferences on catastrophism in the past quarter century. Our group alone, the Canadian Society for Interdisciplinary Studies, of which I am president, has held a conference annually since 1981. Three or more films have been made on the topic, while a fourth is being prepared in time for next year, in June of 1995, when a Centenary Conference to honor the hundreth anniversary of Velikovky's birth has been organized in New York, to which this conference is a prelude. There, we will celebrate his contribution, not in blind endorsement of all of his views, but to recognize his seminal role in bringing catastrophism into the area of legitimate scholarly study, and to show, as this conference will too, what has been happening in the fifty years since Worlds in Collision burst onto the intellectual scene, what concurrent paths have been taken, how it has grown and diverged, what different parts today are being handled by different hands. At the New York conference, three or more new books on Velikovsky will appear, plus perhaps a new video film, in addition to the Proceedings of this conference. When all of these scholarly contributions are added together, it is easy to see that catastrophism has been and continues to be the object of serious specialized academic scrutiny. That is why I refer to what we do as a science. It is a careful building-up of data and hypothesis. Even though no full concensual theory has emerged, and the hypotheses that exist now fall into several sets, subsets and subsubsets as I outlined in my article in The Velikovskian, and even though some speculations which flared up five years ago or ten have now been discarded while new ones have appeared, that is as it should be, and as it is in every science, even the hardest. Physics has gone through superstrings and twistors but today there is no concensus about elementary matter, astronomy has seen the quick rise and fall of bubble theory, inflation theory and wormhole theory, but today there is no concensus on the origin of the universe, psychology is divided into over 100 irreconcilable isms, philosophy has produced more alternatives in the last 150 years than in the 2000 years before that, cognitive science has reached a dead end after three centuries of competing explanations and literary criticism is an irresolvable battleground of undecidability. In no domain is there agreement about fundamental concepts, there is only debate. When therefore we find that catastrophism too is beset by rival hypotheses, as you will see at this conference, and that there are those who disagree with it altogether, as you will also see, these do not make the activity unscientific. They are rather signs of life and vitality. We are a young science, as physics was the year of Planck, as astronomy was the year of Hubble, or as psychology was the year Freud began. Essentially, we are hard at work, and what we display like every science is depth, dedication and diversity. If one considers the qualifications of most of the people involved, the nature of the issues tackled and the accuracy of the questions asked, we are a science. Or, if one considers the journals, the articles, the conferences, the research projects, the validity of the data that have been accumulated and the strength of the provisional surmises, we are a science as every science was at a similar stage of its development, as geology or chemistry or paleontology or archeology were, for instance, in the nineteenth century. Even the disagreements, the speculations, the irreconcilable suppositions and schools and camps, are typical. In 1950, catastrophism was mainly a speculation, with lots of raw data, some insights as to processes, some guesses as to causes and events and some predictions from them. Now, half a century later, with so much more research done and so many more specialists involved, with weak theories weeded out and determined proponents for those that have endured, catastrophism is in what I would call the hypothesis stage. That is to say, it is a marketplace of general ideas in competition, as all sciences are, and this gives it a vitality, a thrusting forth, a reaching ahead which is teeming with energy and hope. Are we closer to the truth? Who knows. Is all the data in? It appears not. Have all the possible hypotheses been formulated? There is no proof. Who will win? We cannot tell. Will it be one of the researchers presently involved? There is no proof. What is true is that catastrophism is alive and active and resonant, that there is lots going on which you can share for this weekend. We cannot tell where it will end or even what its next phase will be or what it will produce along the way, for it is in flight along a path whose future remains to be determined. What exists is the puzzle and the research, and all that matters is that it is done in a manner which is careful, reasonable, informed, legitimate and above all alive. We think it is fascinating, and exciting, and important, and we're happy that you're going to learn a bit about it during this weekend.